Things that matched 'actionscript 3'

  • Presenting at Flash Oxford

    In what is my first speaking engagement of 2012, I'm pleased to be returning to Oxford on 22nd February to speak at the Adobe User...

  • Blinkbox gets StageVideo

    Overnight we're going from mains-connected machines with fast CPUs and oodles of memory to devices that are constrained by the limited power their batteries supply,...

  • Oh noes! Not dirty Flash again!

    You'll most likely have seen the frenzy of news around Adobe's announcement to discontinue development of the Flash Player mobile browser plugin. Adobe cited resources...

  • SpaceshipZapZap Source

    Hello! You've probably arrived here because you're reading my book - Flash Mobile Application Development for Dummies - and you want to download the source for...

  • Next stop Flash Camp Birmingham

    This Thursday (24th March 2011) is Flash Camp in Birmingham. The event is the second to be staged in the city and from the level...

  • Speaking at OSMF User Group

    I'm pleased to be delivering my presentation about building OSMF applications in Flex at the OSMF User Group, which will be held live and online...

  • Flex Strobe Media Playback component

    Want Strobe Media Playback compiling into your Flex application; displaying as a UIComponent that resizes according to the constraints imposed by the parent container? This...

  • Building Flex video applications with OSMF

    It was a real pleasure to be invited to speak at the first Flex London User Group meeting of 2011, which took place at Academy...

  • Flex & PopUpManagerPlus

    This trivial wrapper for mx.managers.PopUpManager allows you monitor the number of active pop-ups in your Flex app, as well as a convenience method to removeAllPopUps() package { import...

  • Flex London User Group - 26th Jan

    I'm pleased to be able to deliver my postponed Flex and the City presentation to the Flex London User Group on Wednesday 26th Jan. My talk...

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68 articles